1. 关于Log的问题(Log Forging),整个系统中,对于Log的问题最多,可以采用以下方式进行解决。
1) 只输出必要的日志,功能上线前屏蔽大多数的调试日志。
2) 过滤掉非法字符:
2. 关于创建File(Path Manipulation)的问题。
Fortify扫描遇到了Path Manipulation问题,定位代码如下:
1. File publisFile = null;
2. File publisFileDir = new File(OSSFileUtils.getDeploy()+"/"+corpPK);
public class FileSwitch {
public static String validFilePath(String filepath) throws Exception {
HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
map.put("a", "a");
map.put("b", "b");
map.put("c", "c");
map.put("d", "d");
map.put("e", "e");
map.put("f", "f");
map.put("g", "g");
map.put("h", "h");
map.put("i", "i");
map.put("j", "j");
map.put("k", "k");
map.put("l", "l");
map.put("m", "m");
map.put("n", "n");
map.put("o", "o");
map.put("p", "p");
map.put("q", "q");
map.put("r", "r");
map.put("s", "s");
map.put("t", "t");
map.put("u", "u");
map.put("v", "v");
map.put("w", "w");
map.put("x", "x");
map.put("y", "y");
map.put("z", "z");
map.put("A", "A");
map.put("B", "B");
map.put("C", "C");
map.put("D", "D");
map.put("E", "E");
map.put("F", "F");
map.put("G", "G");
map.put("H", "H");
map.put("I", "I");
map.put("J", "J");
map.put("K", "K");
map.put("L", "L");
map.put("M", "M");
map.put("N", "N");
map.put("O", "O");
map.put("P", "P");
map.put("Q", "Q");
map.put("R", "R");
map.put("S", "S");
map.put("T", "T");
map.put("U", "U");
map.put("V", "V");
map.put("W", "W");
map.put("X", "X");
map.put("Y", "Y");
map.put("Z", "Z");
map.put(":", ":");
map.put("/", "/");
map.put("\\", "\\");
String temp = "";
for (int i = 0; i < filepath.length(); i++) {
if (map.get(filepath.charAt(i) + "") != null) {
temp += map.get(filepath.charAt(i) + "");
filepath = temp;
return filepath;
1. String temp;
2. temp = FileSwitch.validFilePath(OSSFileUtils.getProduct_package());
3. File f = new File(temp, p.getFileName());
3. 关于Double转换(Parse Double)的问题
public classConvertDouble {
privatefinalstaticPattern NUMBER_PATTERN
= Pattern.compile("^([+-]?\\d*\\.?\\d*([eE][+-]?)?\\d*).*");
publicstaticdoubleparseDouble(String value) {
String normalString = normalizeDoubleString(value);
int offset = normalString.indexOf('E');
BigDecimal base;
int exponent;
if (offset == -1) {
base = new BigDecimal(value);
exponent = 0;
} else {
base = new BigDecimal(normalString.substring(0,offset));
exponent = Integer.parseInt(normalString.charAt(offset+ 1) == '+'?
normalString.substring(offset +2) :
normalString.substring(offset +1));
publicstaticString normalizeDoubleString(String strValue) {
// Clean-up string representation so that it could be understood
// by Java's BigDecimal. Not terribly efficient for now.
// 1. MRI allows d and D as exponent separators
strValue = strValue.replaceFirst("[edD]","E");
// 2. MRI allows underscores anywhere
strValue = strValue.replaceAll("_", "");
// 3. MRI ignores the trailing junk
strValue = NUMBER_PATTERN.matcher(strValue).replaceFirst("$1");
return strValue;
4. 关于密码的问题(Privacy Violation)
关于密码的,建议对密码进行加密,在使用时对密码进行解密,并且在使用时,定义的变量中不要包含PASSWORD以及password 的敏感字段